Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World : A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz

Book Cover: Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World
Karl K. Barbir (Editor), and Baki Tezcan (Editor). Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World : A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz. The University of Wisconsin Press, 2008.

Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World is a collection of articles authored by the students and colleagues of Norman Itzkowitz. The contributors include Engin Deniz Akarli, Karl K. Barbir, Cornell H. Fleischer, Jane Hathaway, Cemal Kafadar, Metin Kunt, Rudi Paul Lindner, Heath W. Lowry, Scott Redford, Vamik D. Volkan, and others.

Norman Itzkowitz was Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University until his retirement in 2001, and published more than a dozen books in three languages focusing on Ottoman history and psychobiography. In recognition of his exceptional contributions to the education and training of his students in Middle East and Ottoman studies, Itzkowitz received the Middle East Studies Association Mentoring Award in 2007.

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